Car Accidents Resulting in Deaths Soaring in New York City and Across Country

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

Crime in general is rising at an alarming pace across the country, most especially in the larger urban areas.  New York City is no exception.  In addition to soaring crime rates, serious car accidents, some involving pedestrians, has risen in an unprecedented manner in the past six months.

The NY Post reports, “Traffic deaths were nearly 18% higher than two years before. The 12% increase between the first nine months of 2020 and 2021 was the highest hike in that period in recorded history, say federal regulators

When 2021’s full numbers are in, they’ll likely exceed 42,400 traffic deaths — the worst total in 16 years. Traffic deaths are supposed to fall every year, as road design and cars grow safer (although bigger cars are bad for pedestrians).

New York City, after doing far better than the rest of the country for decades, performed worse over the past two years. Local traffic deaths in 2021 clocked in at 268, 21.8% higher than in 2019.”

In addition to the rise in traffic accidents, incidents of road rage and reckless driving have gone through the roof.  The culmination of a two-year pandemic, high inflation, record high fuel prices, and the scarcity of ordinary consumer goods has led to frayed nerves and hot tempers. 

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