Dangerous Roadways in Queens Confirmed by Elmhurst Hospital Center Study

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

Our firm has a special pedestrian litigation team, pressing litigation in all boroughs, always suspecting Queens pedestrians are at a much higher risk for being struck by a car than in other NYC Borough. Elmhurst Hospital Center, one of the main hospitals in Queens which treats victims of trauma, has studied the high incidence of pedestrian injuries http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/queens/pedestrian-injuries-rise-queens-article-1.1549677. The frequency of pedestrian trauma treatment at Elmhurst prompted the hospital to compile statistics of this common and deadly problem. The numbers of New Yorkers in Queens who are struck by motor vehicles has continued to rise at an alarming rate, including those on bicycles.

When the statistics were first compiled in 2007, 215 people were treated for injuries of a result of a pedestrian knockdown at Elmhurst. The numbers have continued to rise over the years. The staff at Elmhurst Hospital has publicly stated that the number one cause of injury for people treated at the hospital was a pedestrian injury. Unfortunately, the problem has not gotten any better. Recently the NYC DOT started an advertising campaign to specifically target reckless drivers. Surprisingly, the study revealed that most of the pedestrians struck by cars were not the elderly or children but adults between the ages of 19 to 64.

In 2008, Elmhurst Hospital researchers released a study that showed accidents were clustered in several hot spots, including Queens and 63rd Drive, Roosevelt Ave. near 64th and 69th Sts. and Northern Blvd., near the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway.

Since its founding in 1971, Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP has fought to protect the rights of the those who have been injured. We realize that acting quickly after an accident is important. Our firm is committed to help our clients and their families get through a very hard time. Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP has been recognized as one of the best law firms in New York City in personal injury law. All of our partners have been recognized as among the top attorneys in the personal injury field. The personal injury lawyers at Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP have extensive experience and expertise which has resulted in verdicts and settlements for our clients in excess of $1 billion. Our attorneys are available for a free consultation at (212) 684-1880.

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