Advocacy Group Has a Plan to Eliminate Lead Poisoning in New York City

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

Lead poisoning continues to be a huge issue in New York City as well as a debilitating health issue for children and their families.  However, an advocacy group led by advocates, doctors, lawyers, and the Lead Roundtable has a plan to tackle the problem and eliminate it. 

According to the Earth Justice website, “The New York City Coalition to End Lead Poisoning (NYCCELP), a coalition of advocates, doctors, lawyers, and the Lead Roundtable, which is convened by the coalition, released the “2022 Lead Agenda: A Roadmap to Eliminating Lead Poisoning in New York City.” Our city’s children continue to needlessly suffer permanent neurological damage from exposure to lead in old paint, dust, and drinking water in their homes. Moreover, nearly 70% of these lead-poisoned children come from underserved neighborhoods; Black, Latino, and Asian children account for more than 80% of newly identified cases of lead poisoning in children under six years old.”

NYCCELP Agenda Items

In addition to recently passed laws concerning lead poisoning, the work done by this group has specific agenda items that are achievable and sustainable:

  1. Conduct a multi-agency oversight hearing on the status of lead poisoning in New York City and actions necessary to eliminate lead exposure in children;
  2. Pass local legislation to enhance early identification, prevention, and enforcement;
  3. Invest in programs and interventions that protect children from lead poisoning through the city’s 2022-23 budget allocations;
  4. Reduce water as a source of lead exposure by identifying and eliminating lead services lines (pipes that carry water from the water main in the street into homes and other buildings); and
  5. Strengthen city, state, and federal enforcement of existing lead poisoning prevention laws

Praise from Lead Paint Attorney, Thomas P. Giuffra

As a lawyer who has represented children and families devastated by this scourge on our city, I applaud this group’s efforts and ask all New York City residents to support them in their fight to remove lead poisoning from the lives of those most vulnerable among us.  The facts are indisputable.  We know the devastating effects lead poisoning has on our children and we need to act now.  We need to end this needless scourge on our city and prevent the poisoning of our children. 

If you or someone you know has been affected by lead poisoning in New York, please contact our experienced attorneys to discuss if you may be entitled to compensation.

Picture of Thomas P. Giuffra, Partner

Thomas P. Giuffra, Partner

Thomas specializes in the litigation and trial of significant civil sexual assault, medical malpractice, personal injury, mass tort, and product liability actions. His innovative approach has led to 20 verdicts and numerous settlements in excess of one million dollars on behalf of his clients, including a recent landmark verdict for $58 Million. He has been recognized as "outstanding in the field of advocacy" nationally and internationally.

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