FDA Revises Warning Labels For Diabetes Drugs Invokana & Invokamet

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

On September 10, 2015 the FDA revised warning labels for diabetes drugs Canagliflozin (Invokana and Invokamet) to include increased risk of bone fractures and decreased bone density mineral.

Invokana and Invokamet belong to a class of drugs known as SGLT2 inhibitors prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes. By causing blood sugar to be secreted in the urine, these drugs help to regulate insulin in the body.

The FDA based its warning on several clinical trials which indicated that fractures and greater loss of bone mineral density occurred more frequently with Canagliflozin than with a placebo treatment. It was also found that the fractures occurred as quickly as 12 weeks after taking the medication.

The FDA will further investigate other SGLT2 inhibitor drugs including Dapagliflozin (Farxiga, Xigduo XR) and Empagliflozin (Jardiance, Glyxambi, Synjardy) to evaluate if similar risks are associated with these medications as well.

Patients are encouraged to report any serious side effects associated with these medications and speak with their health care professional before stopping or changing their diabetes medications.

If you were injured by taking an SGLT2 drug, Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP. We start working with you immediately to identify which manufacturer’s product you have used and continue to investigate and follow your health status throughout the litigation process. We can protect your legal rights when another party’s negligence put you in harm’s way. Contact us online or by telephone at (212) 684-1880​ to speak with an experienced New York dangerous drug lawyer.

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