Study Finds Higher Risks with Yaz/Yasmin/Ocella when Compared to Others Birth Controls

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

Two new studies in Europe have confirmed what our firm has long believed about the prescription birth controls Yaz® /Yasmin®/Ocella®. The use of birth controls containing drosperenone/ethinylestradiol, such as YYO, heightens the user’s risk of having venous thromboembolic events when compared to birth control containing Levonolgestrel.

These studies have prompted the makers of Yasmin® to upgrade their warning labels in the European Union to properly reflect the mounting evidence. It is still unclear whether Bayer will be changing their warning labels for Yaz® in the United States or whether the manufacturers of Ocella® will be changing theirs anywhere.

Often new drugs such as Yasmin®, will be promoted as being just as safe as earlier generations of the drugs. However studies like the ones done in Europe show that drug manufacturers must be vigilant in letting users known the true nature of their drugs side effects. Our firm will fight for the rights of our clients who have been injured by Yaz®/Yasmin®/Ocella®.

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