FDA Class I Recall for MicroPort Hip Implant

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

The FDA has issued its most serious recall, Class 1, on MicroPort Orthopedics’ Profemur Long Cobalt Chrome 8 Degree Varus/Valgus Modular Neck devices. The Shanghai-based company’s devices are made to replace damaged portions of the hip joint during surgery. The high rate of hip implant fractures has led the FDA to recall nearly 11,000 units of the affected devices.

Over the past several years there have been many recalls for defective hips. Lawsuits throughout the country have been filed for hip implants with metal components which cause metal debris to embed in tissue. This can often lead to metallosis, degradation of the tissue due to a reaction with the metal debris. Current litigation includes StrykerDePuy ASRDePuy Pinnacle and Biomet hip implants. We have successfully resolved many defective hip cases and can help you resolve your case as well. Contact us online or by phone (800-349-0004) today for a free consultation.

The FDA warning stated: “An acute fracture will require revision surgery to remove and replace the neck and stem components. Acute fracture and emergency revision surgery is a serious adverse health consequence and could lead to neurovascular damage, hematoma, hemorrhage, and even death.”

Patients who have a recalled implant should seek medical evaluation immediately if they develop any sudden pain, difficulty walking, or numbness in the leg. Contacta knowledgeable hip implant lawyer today online or by phone, 800-349-0004.

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