Paragard IUD is one of the most popular IUDs on the market – and it’s also the topic of many lawsuits by women. Many of these women allege that the T-shaped Paragard IUD broke upon extraction and required surgery to be properly removed. If you needed surgery after an unsuccessful Paragard IUD extraction and suffered health complications, you may want to speak with an attorney. I’m going to discuss the major health complications women have suffered due to Paragard IUD and the steps they are taking right now.
IUD Lawsuits Are More Common Than You Think
Many manufacturers of IUDs have had lawsuits filed against them due for many years. In 2017 Bayer Pharmaceuticals, the maker of Mirena IUD, offered $12 million to settle over 4,000 organ perforation lawsuits. Complaints made against Bayer alleged that the IUD migrated and required surgery in order to be properly removed. Unlike Paragard, Mirena IUD uses hormones to prevent pregnancy. However, many of the issues present with the Mirena IUD are cropping up in lawsuits filed by women who used Paragard.
In 2016, a Nebraska woman filed a lawsuit against one of the manufacturers of Paragard. The lawsuit claims that the device broke and was embedded in her uterus. She needed surgery to have the device removed. In July 2020, a California woman filed a lawsuit against the makers of Paragard after her doctor removed the device with one of the arms missing. A similar lawsuit was filed in May of 2020 after a New York woman had a Paragard IUD removed. One of the arms had broken off and was still inside of her.
What Injuries are Related to Paragard?
This is an overview of Paragard Injuries women have suffered:
- Paragard IUD embedded in the uterus.
- Paragard IUD breaks.
- Paragard IUD requires surgery to be removed.
- Paragard IUD causes a loss to reproductive health.
- Paragard IUD causes perforation of uterus.
- Paragard IUD migrates within body.
What Can I Do if I’ve Been Injured by Paragard?
Currently, many women have begun to speak with law firms to discuss their options with respect to filing Paragard lawsuits. If you’ve suffered a Paragard injury, now is possibly the best time to speak with an experienced attorney who has experience representing women harmed by dangerous medical devices. I’ve successfully represented women in talcum powder cases and vaginal mesh lawsuits. If you’d like to speak with me to discuss your situation, please call my office at 212-684-1880 or use our contact form. I can help you determine if a lawsuit is the best course of action for you. And if it is, I will proudly stand by you as I have for all my clients in the past 25 years.