Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella New Jersey Suits Consolidated With Judge Brian R. Martinotti

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

After the long wait since the October, 2009, proposal for consolidated litigation, the decision has been made to consolidate the cases before Judge Brian R. Martinotti in Bergen County, New Jersey. We continue to lead the NuvaRing birth control consolidated litigation before Judge Martinotti, and we expect to continue our efforts with the Yasmin, Yaz and Ocella cases. See the notice below:


On application made pursuant to Rule 4:38A and the Mass Tort Guidelines
promulgated by Directive # 07-09 in accordance with that Rule, it is hereby ORDERED
that all pending and future New Jersey state court actions arising out of the use of the
oral contraceptives Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella are designated as a mass tort for
centralized case management purposes; and It is FURTHER ORDERED that any and all such complaints that have been filed in the various counties and that are under or are awaiting case management and/or discovery shall be transferred from the county of venue to Superior Court, Law Division, Bergen County and assigned to Judge Brian R. Martinotti, and that, pursuant to N.J. Const. (1947), Art. VI, sec. 2, par. 3, the provisions of Rule 4:3-2 governing venue in the Superior Court are supplemented and relaxed so that all future such complaints, no matter where they might be venued, shall be filed in Bergen County and assigned to
Judge Martinotti; and It is FUTHER ORDERED that Judge Martinotti shall oversee all management and trial issues for such cases and may, in his discretion, return such cases to the original county of venue for disposition; and It is FURTHER ORDERED that no Mediator or Master may be appointed in this litigation without the express prior approval of the Chief Justice. For the Court,

Stuart Rabner

Chief Justice

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