Can a Hospital Be Responsible For Slip and Fall Accidents?

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

Slip And Fall Accidents in Hospitals

The term “slip and fall” is typically used to describe a personal injury claim where an individual has slipped and injured themselves while on someone else’s property. Although slip and fall claims are usually known as premises liability cases, if the accident occurred in a hospital, it may be considered a hospital negligence claim.

Common Causes of Slip and Falls in Hospitals

Hospitals are expected to maintain a certain level of cleanliness. Custodial staff is responsible for making sure that surfaces within the hospital and clinic are clean. When cleaning floors, this process usually involves a mop, water, and disinfectant. When hospital floors remain wet, are slippery, or are not properly identified as being wet, visitors and patients may be injured as the result of a slip and fall.

Freshly mopped floors are not the only condition that can cause a slip and fall. Narrow stairways, poor lighting, and torn carpeting can also cause someone to lose their footing and fall. Likewise, if there are obstacles or debris on the floor that are neglected or not properly marked, a slip and fall may occur.

Injuries and Possible Damages Awarded From Slip and Fall Cases

These types of accidents can produce significant injuries. Broken bones and back and neck injuries may lead to chronic pain or even surgery. It is important for victims of slip and fall accidents to consider speaking to a personal injury attorney about their injuries. If the accident occurred while on hospital property, inside or outside, the injured party may be able to receive compensation for their loss from the facility. Damages can be awarded for pain and suffering, lost wages, and disability. By working with an experienced personal injury attorney, victims of these types of injuries can hold hospitals responsible for their neglect and negligence.

If you were injured during a slip and fall accident at a hospital, contact Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP via online form or call (212) 684-1880 to request a free initial consultation with our personal injury lawyers.

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