Wrongful death of baby brings lawsuit to nurse

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

When we allow nurses and doctors to care for our loved ones, we trust them to provide the same level of care we would if trained and able. For one New York mother, this trust was fatally misplaced with the nurse caring for her infant daughter.

The mother of a 22-month-old baby is suing the staffing company that employed the female nurse responsible for her infant daughter’s death. The mother filed a wrongful death suit, alleging that the nurse placed the baby in 130 degree, scalding hot water for up to a half minute which led to the baby’s injuries and death. The infant, who had been born prematurely and had a tracheotomy and multiple other defects, suffered second- and third-degree burns which, authorities concluded, led to the infant’s death.

This lawsuit comes on the heels of a previous complaint against the female nurse, which states she was knowingly going to administer a coma-inducing dose of medicine to another special needs child in her care. The mother of that child made a formal complaint to the staffing company and authorities but was told there was nothing they could do.

The loss of a child at the hands of a negligent care provider is completely inexcusable. For parents that have suffered this loss, a skilled medical malpractice attorney may be able to help. Although there is nothing that will alleviate the pain and suffering felt after the loss of a child, there may be a way to face the physical or financial hardships you now face. With a trusted and experienced medical malpractice attorney by your side, negligent parties can be brought to justice.

Source: New York Daily News, Mom suing nurse and staffing company over the death of her baby, Eli Rosenberg, Aug. 17, 2015

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