New York Misdiagnosis Lawyers

Get Experienced Legal Advocates on Your Side

Many people who have a serious illness have a higher chance of survival if their disease is diagnosed early on and proper treatment plans are followed. Unfortunately, mistakes and oversight can lead to a delayed diagnoses. This allows the illness to increase in severity, which may prolong treatment. In some instances, the illness may advance past a treatable state.

At Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP, we represent clients throughout New York City who have suffered due to misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis of a serious illness. Our New York misdiagnosis attorneys are experienced in holding negligent doctors and facilities accountable and recovering the compensation our clients deserve.

If you or a loved one has been affected by a misdiagnosis, the time to act is now. Call us at (212) 684-1880 or complete a contact form today.

Were You Misdiagnosed?

To pursue a misdiagnosis lawsuit, you must prove that a doctor’s negligence led to your suffering. Some illnesses are more difficult to diagnose than others and you may not show the common signs and symptoms of the disease.

We can help with the following:

We have 40 years of experience handling complex medical malpractice claims. Our firm has access to medical experts who can help us determine whether your doctor should have diagnosed your disease in its early stages.

Some common reasons to pursue a medical malpractice claim include:

  • Doctor failed to recognize early signs and symptoms of the disease
  • Doctor failed to consult an expert when appropriate
  • Doctor failed to order necessary tests
  • The lab crossed your test results with another patient’s results
  • Doctor misinterpreted the test results

Contact Our Firm Today

If you are suffering due to the misdiagnosis of a serious disease, please contact our New York medical malpractice law firm today. We’re ready to hear your story, discuss your options and, if necessary, take decisive, diligent action on your behalf.

We offer free case evaluations for all our prospective clients. Fill out our online form to request one today.