Developmental Delays

New York City Birth Injury Attorneys
Serious birth injuries, such as those causing cerebral palsy or Erb’s palsy, can cause significant developmental delays. The birth injury lawyers at the New York law firm of Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP provide experienced representation to families suffering because of such injuries. We help recover full and fair compensation from the negligent doctor or staff member responsible for your child’s harm.

Contact our medical malpractice law firm online to speak with an experienced New York City birth injury lawyer.

Causes of Developmental Delays

A birth injury can lead to both physical and mental developmental delays. Oxygen deprivation during delivery may result in brain damage, while a brachial plexus injury can prevent a child from developing full use of the arm. These kinds of issues lead to long-term effects for both the child and the family.

Recovering Compensation

Will your child require special schooling or in-home care? Does your child need surgery or medical devices to help him or her regain use of a limb? All of these specific factors of your case will determine the amount of compensation you need to move forward from the tragedy of a preventable birth injury.

We have professional nurses on staff and access to a network of medical experts who will examine your case and help determine the full scope and severity of the developmental issue. We use their expertise to build a strong case on your behalf.

Contact Us for a Free Birth Injury Case Evaluation

If your child suffers developmental delays due to a birth injury, you may be entitled to thousands of dollars in compensation. Let us help you explore your legal options.

Contact our New York medical malpractice law firm today online or by telephone to speak with our experienced legal team.