New York Rear-End Collision Lawyers

Get Dedicated, Proven Counsel on Your Side

Rear-end collisions are very common in New York City and can often leave drivers and passengers with significant injuries. Whiplash, spinal cord injuries, and head injuries seriously alter everyday tasks of innocent drivers who get rear-ended. No matter how careful you are, there are many inattentive and dangerous drivers on the roads. Accidents can also result in a significant loss of income.

At Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP, this area of law has been a significant part of our firm’s practice for many years. Our New York rear-end collision attorneys thoroughly investigate these accidents, including obtaining accident reports and talking with law enforcement when necessary. We make it a priority to investigate any potential insurance coverage which would pay for your medical bills—even if that means negotiating with a provider or even taking them to court.

If you’ve been hurt, the advocates you need are just a phone call away. Call us at (212) 684-1880 to speak with us today.

Negligence & Rear-End Collisions

In New York, claims for medical injuries need to meet certain requirements, as defined by our state’s No-fault Law. Our New York rear end collision lawyers have the experience in evaluating claims based on the thresholds and ensuring that your claim is put forth as compellingly as possible. The most important issue is establishing that the other motorist was negligent behind the wheel at the time of the collision.

Examples of negligence on the road include:

Insurance providers tend to try and minimize many rear-end collisions as simple fender benders, but the truth is that drivers and passengers in these cases can sustain significant injuries that deserve recognition. If you’ve been hurt, our New York car accident attorneys know what it takes to substantiate these claims and ensure that the gravity of our clients’ claims is recognized before the law.

Start the process with a free, no-obligation case evaluation. Use our online form to request one today.