Bair Hugger Attorneys Serving Clients in New York

Bair Hugger Forced Hot Air Warming Blanket and Deep Joint Infection

The Bair Hugger system is used in surgeries, especially during knee and hip surgeries, to keep a patient warm and speed up recovery time. However, bacteria can enter deep joint areas and become dormant, only to cause a serious infection well after the surgery. One relatively common yet dangerous infection is MRSA.

We are currently investigating claims on behalf of injured users. If you or someone you know has suffered from deep joint infection due to the Bair Hugger system call the New York product liability attorneys at Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP to find out how others afflicted by this defective medical device have fought for recovery.

Contact us today or call (212) 684-1880. Our team is a strong advocate for injury victims seeking their deserved restitution.

Bacterial Migration

The majority of U.S. hospitals use Bair Hugger temperature management systems in millions of surgeries every year. However, not all surgeries carry the same risk for infection. Hip and knee implants come with a particularly high risk of infection.

The inventor of Bair Hugger devices, Dr. Scott D. Augustine, has spoken out against use of the system under certain conditions. As reported in the New York Times 12/24/10, “These days, Dr. Augustine asserts that his invention is a danger to surgical patients receiving implant devices like artificial heart valves and joints. The forced air, he says, can spread bacteria associated with hospital-acquired infections.”

Our New York defective medical device attorneys have extensive experience litigating personal injury and medical malpractice cases. We consult with team of experts to investigate the details of these cases and make sure victims receive the compensation they deserve. Contact our firm online or call (212) 684-1880 for a free consultation.