New York Hip Replacement Attorneys

Hip Replacement Lawsuits

Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP is actively litigating hundreds of metal-on-metal implant hip implant cases, including selections for lead plaintiffs. We represent clients regardless of whether or not they have already had corrective surgeries to remedy the problem. Our experienced New York hip implant injury attorneys are currently litigating on behalf of plaintiffs in state and federal courts for:

Serving Clients Across the Country

Ready to learn more? Call Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP today at (212) 684-1880.

Get Guidance for Your Case

We are aggressively filing cases in federal and state courts which will be in the best interests of our clients. We realize for most clients this will be the first time they have been involved in litigation. We start working with clients immediately on urgent matters such as:

  • How to identify if you have a recalled product.
  • What, if any, contact should you have with the manufacturer’s hired insurance company.
  • What are the serum tests being done for metal particle disease, also known as metallosis, cobalt poisoning and chromium poisoning.
  • Preservation of hip implant hardware as evidence.
  • We can discuss with you the manufacturer’s medical advice given to patients and doctors regarding hip failure diagnosis, such as X-rays.
  • What are the litigation and settlement prospects, and how these directly relate to your specific injury.

You Deserve Reliable Medical Assistance

Suffering from a defective hip replacement is not an easy experience, and the following corrective surgery can be very expensive. You should not be held responsible for the cost of treatment after being injured by someone else’s poor manufacturing. Speak with one of our knowledgeable New York hip replacement injury attorneys about what you could earn from a lawsuit, and if one of our trusted medical contacts can help you with follow-up operations.

Ready to learn more? Call Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP today at (212) 684-1880.