New York Zimmer Durom Cup Attorneys

Zimmer Durom Cup Lawsuits

The Zimmer Durom Cup was introduced to the United States in 2006. It was designed to be a longer lasting, more durable design for younger patients. Shortly thereafter some doctors and surgeons saw a spike in the number of corrective surgeries involving the Zimmer Durom Cup hip replacement device.

Our New York defective medical device lawyers are investigating claims and numerous adverse event reports made to the FDA arising from Zimmer Durom Cup failures. If you think your Durom cup is failing, that is a medical matter which should be discussed with your doctors. They are the ones best suited to investigate failures. We can then look into what parties can be held liable for the damages.

Helping Clients Across the Country

Contact Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP to learn more about lawsuits regarding the Zimmer Durom Cup.

Medical Findings regarding zimmer hip implant failures

Our firm has become aware that Lawrence D. Dorr, M.D. – the noted orthopedic specialist from Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles, CA – privately informed Zimmer in 2007 of Durom cup failures. He saw this firsthand because he was a paid consultant to Zimmer. He later went public with this information in 2008. He observed that pain or discomfort which occurred more than three months after surgery was a potential sign of failure.

Signs your durom cup may be causing a hip failure include:

  • Difficulty walking
  • Lingering pain months after the initial surgery
  • Metal poisoning
  • Pain when standing after prolonged periods of sitting
  • Pain in groin

The United States design was significantly different than those found in Europe, where there were fewer failures. In the United States, a different titanium alloy was used on the underside of the cup. This difference in design results in the cup inserted into the hip failing to seat properly.

File Your Claim Today

If you have had to have revision surgery, or are currently experiencing pain from a Zimmer hip implant, you may have grounds for legal action. You can discuss the details of your injury with one of our New York defective hip implant lawyers at no charge. Paying for revision surgeries should not be the burden of innocent victims.

Ready to learn more? Call Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP today at (212) 684-1880.