New York Sorin Stocker 3T Attorneys

Sorin Stocker 3T Lawsuits

The Sorin Stocker 3T is a heater-cooler system that regulates a patient’s blood flow during surgery. In 2015 the U.S. Food & Drug Administration issued a warning to the medical community regarding newly discovered dangers of using the device. Numerous reports had come in of patients being infected by bacteria that had contaminated the water stored in the system. A recall has since been issued, but that does not help the numerous people that have already been injured. The New York defective medical device lawyers at Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP are accepting clients who have been effected and helping them seek restitution.

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Signs you have been infected

The bacteria discovered in the Sorin Stocker 3T is Mycobacterium Chimaera. This dangerous bacteria results in a severe infection that could result in death. Treatment requires immediate medical attention, forcing victims to run up medical bills once more. The manufacturers of Sorin should be responsible for helping these patients recover.

Symptoms of an infection include:

  • Fever
  • Excess sweating
  • Nausea
  • Surgery area exudes heat or pus
  • Weight loss

Some of these symptoms might not develop for years after the surgery. Once you have been diagnosed with an M. Chimaera infection, speak to an attorney about your eligibility for a lawsuit.

Your injury is worth investigating

You most likely were not aware whether or not a Sorin Stocker 3T was used during your surgery. If you ever had open-heart surgery and are now suffering an infection, it is worth asking your operating surgeon if the device was used, or have a knowledgeable New York defective medical device attorney investigate. You may have been one of many who has been injured by the manufacturer’s carelessness, and are entitled to join the fight for compensation.