Surgical "Never Events" Attorney in New York City

Established Medical Malpractice Lawyers

What is a “Never Event”?

Sometimes surgeons make mistakes during surgery that are so far outside the realm of reason as to be almost unbelievable. Examples include surgeons leaving medical equipment such as sponges or surgical clamps in patients after the operation, removing the wrong limb or organ, or even performing the wrong procedure entirely. Medical professionals call these “never events” because they should never happen.

“Never Events” Happen Far Too Often

Unfortunately, studies show that these errors in surgery occur at a rate of at least 4,000 a year. The attorneys of the New York medical malpractice law firm of Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP have handled complex surgical error legal cases for almost four decades and can work effectively to pursue the best possible result following surgeon’s errors.

Contact us today online by completing this form or by telephone at 212-684-1880 to speak with our experienced New York medical malpractice attorneys.

A Recent Case Illustrates Our Effectiveness at Handling Surgical Error Cases

Our client submitted to surgery for the removal of uterine fibroids. During the procedure the surgeon mistakenly removed one of her kidneys, believing it was a fibroid. Our investigation yielded evidence of negligence, including a video of the laparoscopic procedure showing the removal of the healthy organ. The defendant refused to make a fair offer in negotiations and we took the case to trial. The result was a jury verdict of $2.8 million.

If you have questions regarding surgical errors and medical malpractice law, contact a New York surgical error lawyer at Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP for a no-charge consultation.