Ectopic Pregnancy Misdiagnosis Lawsuit

Call Our Proven New York Medical Malpractice Lawyers

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a woman’s fertilized egg implants in her fallopian tube rather than the uterus lining. Left untreated, the fallopian tube can burst, causing dangerous amounts of bleeding.

At Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP, we represent clients in medical malpractice lawsuits throughout New York who have suffered due to a misdiagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. We have more than 30 years of experience handling a wide array of different medical malpractice claims and have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for our clients in need.

Ready to start exploring your legal options? Our firm is ready to help. Call us at (212) 684-1880 or complete this form today for a free consultation.

Holding Negligent Parties Accountable

Obstetricians, nurses, ultrasound technicians, and other medical professionals must adhere to a high standard of care. When their negligence or careless oversight leads to a serious medical issue, such as a misdiagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, they need to be held accountable.

You may have a claim if your doctor:

  • Failed to order a necessary ultrasound
  • Failed to diagnose your condition correctly
  • Failed to run a complete medical assessment, thus missing your ectopic pregnancy
  • Failed to treat your ectopic pregnancy in a timely manner

Our renowned medical malpractice attorneys are experienced and know the steps to recover full compensation. We frequently consult with medical experts who can help us determine what should have happened to avoid your suffering. We can assist you in building a strong case and seeking the justice you deserve.

Want to learn more about how our New York medical malpractice attorneys can help? Fill out our online form today to request a free consultation.