Nursing Home Fall Injuries

Seek Justice with Our New York Elder Abuse Lawyers

Elderly residents in nursing homes are at high risk of falling because of their fragile health conditions. When an elderly person falls in a nursing home, the nurse or management company may try to shift the blame. If the resident wasn’t receiving proper care, the situation can be the impetus for a devastating accident. Call buttons don’t work, nurses are understaffed, and are unable to give the proper amount of attention to their patients. Whatever the cause may be, unattended patients are put at greater risk for falls.

If your loved one has fallen while in the care of a nursing home, they may have been the victim of negligence. Please contact the New York elder abuse attorneys of Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP today for a free consultation with an experienced and trusted attorney who handles personal injury cases involving nursing homes.

We’re ready to stand with your family during this difficult time. Call our offices at (212) 684-1880 today.

When Falls Occur

In many cases, elderly residents at nursing homes are still able to be active and lead full, rich lives. This includes daily activities and casual, daily mobility around the facility. In most cases, facility staff needs to be monitoring these residents, especially if they are suffering from any kind of health issue (and many of them are). When they are not closely watched, falls and accidents can happen that greater threaten the well-being of the resident.

Common causes of falls in nursing home facilities include:

  • Lack of proper supervision and preventive measures to eliminate the risk of falling
  • Failure to implement and use safety devices such as bed alarms
  • Dropping the residents while transfer due to understaffed or improperly trained nurses

If your loved one suffered a preventable fall injury while in the care of nursing home staff, then you may have a claim to compensation. Request a free case evaluation with our New York elder abuse attorneys to learn more.