New York Premises Liability Lawyers

Who Is at Fault in a Premises Liability Case?

Premises liability cases involve negligence, just as in any other personal injury case. In these types of cases, the victim becomes injured on property that should have reasonably been kept safe or well-maintained. But, as a result of the property owner’s negligence, the victim sustains significant losses, including both financial and intangible losses, such as medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and more.

At Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP, we represent those injured due to dangerous property conditions and property owner negligence. If you believe you have a case and would like to explore your legal options, please reach out to our firm to request an appointment.

Call (212) 684-1880 or contact us online for a free and confidential consultation with our New York premises liability lawyers.

What Is Premises Liability?

Note that just because you were hurt on another person’s property, it will not automatically mean that you have a premises liability case. In order to bring a claim, you will need to prove that the property owner was somehow negligent. To add to this, unsafe or poorly maintained conditions would be insufficient grounds to prove that negligence played a role and why one should be owed due compensation. In order to prove that a property owner was negligent, the owner should have been aware of the problem and yet failed to take action or correct it.

These are only some examples of possible premises liability cases:

  • Slip and falls
  • Poor lighting
  • Elevator and escalator accidents
  • Dog bites/attacks
  • Injuries due to slipping on ice
  • Injuries from failed or fallen equipment
  • Toxic or chemical exposure
  • Inadequate maintenance of the premises
  • Failure to take measures to prevent criminal activity
  • Inadequate security or surveillance that leads to an injury or assault

Our New York premises liability lawyers at Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP can offer legal insight into the matter and determine whether or not you have a valid premises liability case. Many conditions will determine the extent of an owner’s liability, so it is important that you know the legal obstacles you could be facing—and how our legal team can help.

Request Your Free Consultation

It will take thorough investigation into the conditions and other factors surrounding your premises liability matter in order to build your case and achieve a successful resolution. As with any personal injury case, there is only a limited amount of time that you have to take action. Be sure you discuss your case with our New York premises liability attorneys as soon as possible. We have successfully helped countless clients and have secured billions of dollars in settlements and verdicts.

Injured on someone else’s property? Contact our personal injury firm today so that we can begin reviewing your case: (212) 684-1880.