Attorney Paul D. Rheingold has been quoted on recent news stories

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

Paul D. Rheingold has been quoted in four news articles in the past few weeks. He was asked by the press to give his views on a lawsuit which had been started for the death of a young man who drank a can of Red Bull, the caffeine-containing drink. He indicated that he felt that the suit had merit. Natural Product Insider News, 12/12/13.

Paul told the reporter that under New York law the fact that the young man had a pre-existing heart condition (it was quite enlarged) did not diminish the chances of winning, since the caffeine has only be one factor in causing death. He likened this litigation to the ephedra litigation in which he was involved where a food supplement caused an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

Rheingold was also quoted in several articles relating to the firm’s NuvaRing litigation. The firm represents over 400 women who have developed blood clots, sometimes fatal. One of these in the January 2014 issue of Vanity Fair, where there is an attack on safety of the NuvaRing. Danger in the Ring.

Paul was also interviewed by reporters in the Netherlands for NRC News and Hartvannderland News, in articles that appeared in November 2013. Here he described the United States litigation and our firm’s work on the many cases. This information was of special concern to Dutch readers since the NuvaRing had been invented there and was manufactured there.

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