Ex-NFL Players Blame League for Brain Injuries

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

As time passes, medical and scientific advances have greatly advanced our knowledge of brain injuries, particularly with regard to prevention and safety. A brain damaged person may “seem normal” on the outside, but there can be profound changes in a person’s mental ability and emotional health. This is often common in severe stroke cases, as well as impact trauma, such as in an auto accident or worksite injury.

Recently, former NFL players filed the lawsuit against the National Football League and NFL Properties LLC this week in U.S. District Court in Atlanta. At issue is how long the NFL knew about the severity of brain injuries and failed to do anything about it. In fact, some claim this goes back to the 1920s. Common injury claims are memory loss, headaches and sleeplessness. While the NFL currently gives concussions top priority, there was relatively little concern in years past.

Our brain injury clients are sometimes scheduled for “neuropsychiatric” testing. This usually takes a day and studies spatial skills, memory strength and coordination. These often reveal hidden disabilities which clients have tried to compensate for.

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