Granny Cams Growing in Popularity

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

It is no secret that nursing home neglect and elderly abuse are growing problems. For the many American families that have loved ones in a long-term care facility or are considering it, it may be comforting to hear that there is now another resource available to them to protect their family members against these crimes.

In a recent article, two sisters discuss their support for the new weapon against elderly abuse; Granny cams. After concerned for their own mother grew, the sisters decided to install a small, inexpensive surveillance camera in their mother?s nursing home room. Their mother, an 85-year-old woman suffering from dementia, was seen on the video being repeatedly chastised by her nursing aide. Within 72 hours of installing the camera, the sisters witnessed footage showing the nursing aide being extremely rough with their mother while changing her clothing. It was then that the sisters contacted the facility.

The Granny cam footage led to the investigation and subsequent firing of the nursing aid in question. Although the 85-year-old woman has since passed, the sisters remain avid supporters for the use of these hidden surveillance cameras in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. With their help, the popularity of these Granny cams has continued to grow since their mother?s case in 2014.

Growing support and interest in surveillance cameras has led to numerous investigations and arrests of nursing home staff members. Although many states have established rules for the use of electronic surveillance cameras in nursing homes, some families still choose to use them. While the knowledge of a surveillance camera may deter some offenders from abusing residents, it may not completely solve the problem. Fortunately, victims still have options after abuse. Families that have experienced the heartache of having a loved one victimized while a resident of a nursing home may benefit most from speaking to an experienced attorney.

Source: Star Tribune, “Hidden “granny cams” spread in popularity as weapon for catching elder abuse,” Chris Serres, March 14, 2016

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