Nursing home accused of neglect announces staff changes

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

New York residents who have parents who are living in nursing homes may remember that 17 people who were employed at the HighPointe on Michigan nursing home faced charges for allegedly neglecting one of their patients. On June 11, it was announced that Kaleida Health intended to improve hiring practices by removing its director of nursing and the Buffalo facility’s director. The initial probe that ultimately resulted in 17 employees being charged was conducted in June 2013. They were arraigned in April 2014 on felony charges that included endangering the welfare of a disabled individual, falsifying business records and willfully violating state health laws.

The decision came after Kaleida Health’s new chief executive officer and leadership team conducted a review of the facility’s operations. Several individuals from other health care systems were selected to fill the positions on an interim basis as they were still searching for individuals to fill the spots permanently.

In addition to the change in lead positions, the company also announced the intention to make additional changes. For example, it intends to improve accountability of employees and provide staff with education and training on proper documentation procedures. It will be requiring the medical director to make rounds in order to have better oversight of the staff.

When family members leave an elderly loved one in the care of a nursing home, they expect that loved one to be well cared for. However, this is not always the case, and elderly abuse unfortunately does occur. If there is evidence that neglect occurred, an attorney for the family members may be able to file a lawsuit against the responsible employees and the facility.

Source: The Buffalo News, “Following neglect charges, Kaleida makes changes at HighPointe“, Stephen T. Watson , June 11, 2014

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