What is a Plaintiff’s Fact Sheet?

By Ethan Cohen

The Plaintiff’s Fact Sheet (PFS) is a document known as a “written discovery.” The document is required by the courts in many mass tort lawsuits and is a valuable resource in advising the court about the nature of your claims.

  • Judges need these to understand the extent and nature of claims.
  • Judges will be able to understand the products involved and the range of injuries.
  • Judges will be able to determine what test trials should be done.
  • Both the plaintiffs and defendants will have access to these and can use them to calculate what fair settlements would be.

As our firm includes thorough instructions on how to fill out the PFS, most of our clients are able to answer the listed questions without much trouble. However, if you have questions while completing the PFS, please keep in mind that:

  • You should not leave a question unanswered. If you do not remember a specific detail, please state that you “do not recall” or that the question is “not applicable.” Do not leave answers blank.
  • When it comes to specifics about medical treatment, we can help answer these questions if we have access to your medical records.

Documents to Be Included in Your Plaintiff’s Fact Sheet

Along with answering questions, you will also be asked to provide copies of pertinent documents. These documents may include

  • Medical Bills
  • Records
  • Insurance statements
  • and other documents as requested

These records are often in your possession and should be easy to acquire. If not, our firm will often be able to acquire them on your behalf.

Everything in the PFS needs to be documented to the best of your recollection as you will be asked to sign and verify your answers. Our firm is here to assist you in making sure the PFS is filled out correctly, as we have done this many, many other times. If you have any questions or need assistance with completing the PFS, please do not hesitate to contact us at 212-684-1880 or email [email protected].

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