Court Awards Plaintiff $417 Million in Johnson & Johnson Suit

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

Eva Echeverria had used Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder as part of her feminine hygiene routine since the age 11, unaware of the product’s link to ovarian cancer. Eventually, her prolonged use of the talcum powder led her to develop terminal ovarian cancer in 2007. Only in 2016 did Eva become aware of the link between Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder and ovarian cancer and sought out legal counsel. Had Johnson & Johnson put a warning on its product, Eva would have immediately stopped using it and perhaps her story would be different.

As a multi-million dollar corporation, Johnson & Johnson has a duty to consumers to inform them about the risks associated with its products. Consumers, like Eva Echeverria, trusted Johnson & Johnson would not market an unsafe product, but Johnson & Johnson broke this trust by allowing their talcum powder to be market despite being aware of its dangers. Eva Echeverria’s lawyers cited a 1982 study that proved that women who used the talcum powder on their genitals had a 92% increase in their risk of ovarian cancer. Additionally, the lead researcher of this study advised Johnson & Johnson to add a warning label to its product. More importantly, there are numerous internal memos from Johnson & Johnson proving that the company was aware of the carcinogenic risks of its product. A 1997 internal memo from a Johnson & Johnson medical consultant advises the pharmaceutical giant that denying the link between talcum powder and ovarian cancer is equivalent to “denying the obvious in the face of all evidence to the contrary”

Fortunately, a Los Angeles jury has awarded Eva Echeverria $417 million for her extended suffering. In addition, this verdict also meant that Johnson & Johnson was held liable for failing to warn about the carcinogenic effect of its product. With over 4,500 similar lawsuits pending against Johnson & Johnson across the nation, Eva Echeverria’s case sets an important precedent by proving that this giant corporation can be held accountable for deceiving consumers.

As a commonly used and trusted product, Johnson & Johnson baby powder has the potential to negatively impact millions of women across the nation. If you or loved one has used Johnson & Johnson baby powder and has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, it is urged that you seek legal counsel and ensure you receive compensation for your suffering.

By: Giselle Cornejo

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