Rape at Sea-US Coast Guard Faces Allegations Concerning Sexual Abuse and Harassement of Female Sailors

By Thomas P. Giuffra

Female sailors say it’s been going on for years and the US Coast Guard has known but done nothing about it. Sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct of female personnel allegations are coming forward against the US Coast Guard.

These sailors say that the Coast Guard knew the illegal behavior was going on aboard ship and did nothing to prevent it or prosecute it when it occurred.

One such Coast Guard sailor, Hope Hicks, was 19-years-old when she was raped by her superior officer. Heavy drinking was involved the night of the rape. After the rape, the officer told her that no one would believe her if she reported the incident so she decided to remain quiet. However, once she returned to port, she related the incident to nine other female sailors who reported similar issues.

This is a huge issue for the Coast Guard and other military. It’s clear that the military isn’t willing or able to police themselves when it comes to sexual crimes and misconduct.

I have spent my career as a lawyer representing victims of sexual harassment and sexual abuse. I would be honored to discuss with you your potential case. Call me today for a free and confidential evaluation.

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